AniCura vets directly on your cell phone!

Veterinary help when and where you want it - fast, easy and independent of location. We help with problems big and small. Read more about our app

Judith Wagner

Datum Ort Themen
November 2020 Ravensburg Die "spleenige" Milz
November 2019 Ravensburg 1. Intraperikardiale Zyste kombiniert mit PPDH,      2. Fremdkörperentfernung unter Ultraschallkontrolle
November 2018 Ravensburg Milztorsion
Juni 2018 Ravensburg Hüftgelenksluxation
November 2017 Ravensburg 1. Lungenlappentorsion - minimalinvasive Therapie 2. Ovarrestsyndrom - minimalinvasive Therapie
November 2016 Ravensburg 1. Myasthenia Gravis - Peg Tube                          2. Pyothorax - Thoraxdrainage
November 2012 Ravensburg Kryptorchismus - minimalinvasive Therapie
Februar 2012 Ravensburg Der Kniepatient - Seminar für Tierphysiotherapeuten, 1. Biomechanik, 2. Fall Kreuzbandriss, 3. Fall Osteosarkom
Juni 2010 Anaheim, Californien USA ACVIM forum, invited Speaker
Experimental infection with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) changes pulmonary functions in pigs


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